Complex CSS Selectors

Writting by:Vagelis Hatzilamprou © | Adelaide, South Australia 2015

Common Selectors

Example Explanation Classification
h1 Selects an element by it’s type Type Selector
.tagline Selects an element by the class attribute value, which may be reused multiple times per page Class Selector
#intro Selects an element by the ID attribute value, which is unique and to only be used once per page ID Selector

Child Selectors

Example Explanation Classification
article h2 Selects an element that resides anywhere within an identified ancestor element Descendant Selector
article > p Selects an element that resides immediately inside an identified parent element Direct Child Selector

Sibling Selectors

Example Explanation Classification
h2 ~ p Selects an element that follows anywhere after the prior element, in which both elements share the same parent General Sibling Selector
h2 + p Selects an element that follows directly after the prior element, in which both elements share the same parent Adjacent Sibling Selector

Attribute Selectors

Example Explanation Classification
a[target] Selects an element if the given attribute is present Attribute Present Selector
a[href=""] Selects an element if the given attribute value exactly matches the value stated Attribute Equals Selector
a[href*="login"] Selects an element if the given attribute value contains at least once instance of the value stated Attribute Contains Selector
a[href^="https://"] Selects an element if the given attribute value begins with the value stated Attribute Begins With Selector
a[href$=".pdf"] Selects an element if the given attribute value ends with the value stated Attribute Ends With Selector
a[rel~="tag"] Selects an element if the given attribute value is whitespace-separated with one word being exactly as stated Attribute Spaced Selector
a[lang|="en"] Selects an element if the given attribute value is hyphen-separated and begins with the word stated Attribute Hyphenated Selector


Example Explanation Classification
a:link Selects a link that has not been visited by a user Link Pseudo-class
a:visited Selects a link that has been visited by a user Link Pseudo-class
a:hover Selects an element when a user has hovered their cursor over it Action Pseudo-class
a:active Selects an element when a user has engaged it Action Pseudo-class
a:focus Selects an element when a user has made it their focus point Action Pseudo-class
input:enabled Selects an element in the default enabled state State Pseudo-class
input:disabled Selects an element in the disabled state, by way of the disabled attribute State Pseudo-class
input:checked Selects a checkbox or radio button that has been checked State Pseudo-class
input:indeterminate Selects a checkbox or radio button that neither been checked or unchecked, leaving it in an indeterminate state State Pseudo-class
li:first-child Selects an element that is the first within a parent Structural Pseudo-class
li:last-child Selects an element that is the last within a parent Structural Pseudo-class
div:only-child Selects an element that is the only element within a parent Structural Pseudo-class
p:first-of-type Selects an element that is the first of it’s type within a parent Structural Pseudo-class
p:last-of-type Selects an element that is the last of it’s type within a parent Structural Pseudo-class
img:only-of-type Selects an element that is the only of it’s type within a parent Structural Pseudo-class
li:nth-child(2n+3) Selects an element that matches the given number or expression, counting all elements from the beginning of the document tree Structural Pseudo-class
li:nth-last-child(3n+2) Selects an element that matches the given number or expression, counting all elements from the end of the document tree Structural Pseudo-class
p:nth-of-type(3n) Selects an element that matches the given number or expression, counting only elements of it’s type from the beginning of the document tree Structural Pseudo-class
p:nth-last-of-type(2n+1) Selects an element that matches the given number or expression, counting only elements of it’s type from the end of the document tree Structural Pseudo-class
section:target Selects an element whose ID attribute value matches that of the URI fragment identifier Target Pseudo-class
div:empty Selects an element that does not contain any children or text nodes Empty Pseudo-class
div:not(.awesome) Selects an element not represented by the stated argument Negation Pseudo-class